AWS Solution Architect Associate SAA-C02 exam experience
It all started with the interest to gain in-depth knowledge on AWS Services. It was followed by lab sessions and Q&A on basic AWS services. It was all going according to the plan until there was an announcement that SAA-C01 will be replaced by SAA-C02. Unlike previous exam, SAA-C02 is more focused on scenarios and use-case based questions. I restarted the preparation following the SAA-C02 exam guide and decided to cover most of the topics from AWS whitepapers and study guide. In our day to day job we are only exposed to commonly used services like EC2, ELB, CloudFormation, CloudWatch etc. However, having in-depth knowledge of different AWS services related to Storage, Compute, Networking and Security allows us to build an effective, efficient and scalable systems. Proper designing of an enterprise application happens when most of the services are explored. SAA-C02 certification is a way to validate the understanding gained through the lab sessions and exploring of these services...